About Me

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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I have gotten my visa for Brazil. I will be leaving on March 3 and will be gone for a full month. I am very nervous and also very thankful that God has given me this opportunity to use the gifts that he has given me. My roommate and I have a lot of gear that we are taking down with us for the ropes course that we will be building in Porto Velho, Brazil. Our total flight time is about 36 hours.

By the way, I think I have once again gotten poison ivy, but I do not think it is as bad as the last time.

I am trying to buy a GoPro video camera so that I can show my supporters more details of my work as a missionary. It's a special camera because it can be mounted on a helmet. That means, for example, that I can go rock climbing with it, swimming with it, just about anything you can think of, and be video-taping the whole time. Further, this camera is fully high-definition so the video should be stunning.

Meanwhile, I have gotten two GED books so that I can study up and take that the test and get it over with. Here in Richmond at YWAM-Va. a lot is happening. We are building a maintenance and auto shop building behind one of our houses. The new facility should be finished by July. I am very excited.

4511 Government Rd.
Richmond VA

I cannot thank you enough for supporting me and my mission. It's such an encouragement knowing that there are people out there praying for me.

Jackson Meyer Obel

P.S. If you need to reach me my email is obeljack@gmail.com.