About Me

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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Monday, December 19, 2011

the coming and going of the holidays

This weekend is Christmas. 2011 is almost over and it's been a good year. I have raised my own support, made progress and have a new plan for Richmond Ropes for 2012. Last week we had an all-day work day. It was great. We really cleared a lot of junk off the property. But as a result I have gotten poison ivy quite badly. My left forearm is swollen and red and extremely itchy. In fact, it's almost unbearable. My roommate and I are getting more adventures in rock climbing and rappelling. Let's see. I'm going to my mother's for Christmas and then I'm going to Florida for New Year's Eve. I promise I will bring my camera and take loads of pictures for you all.

P.S. Happy holidays and may God bless you and keep you safe. 

Jackson Meyer Obel 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

a late thank you and a praise report

I want to thank all of my supporters for helping me. It's such a blessing to have good financial support so I can continue to do what God has called me to do. I am sorry I have not been updating this blog recently the fall is a very busy time for me and YWAM. This past week all of YWAM-Virginia went down for the Southeast Conference in Alabama. It was so powerful. There is a young girl in the Discipleship Training School (DTS) that got healed from chronic fibromyalgia and depression. She no longer has any of those ailments. God has been working in my life as well. He has shown me that no matter who you are YOU CAN make a difference. I've been working alot on my attitude and how I respond to people that are upset. I recently have purchased some climbing rope so now I can climb on my own time. I have gotten a job at a gym. It pays minimum wage but it let's me build up my savings account.

Alright, well, until next time ... which I promise will be soon.

Jackson Meyer Obel

Saturday, October 15, 2011

God has allowed me to return to YWAM Richmond. On my second day back I was back on the  ropes course. It was great. The new DTS is great and the ELC is just as exciting. I don' know. God has really given me a chance to fellowship with godly young man. 1 John chapter 1.

Monday, September 26, 2011

God is good

It seems to me that despite my doubts about raising support, God has come through as I knew he would. I've been home roughly a month trying to raise support for my mission. At times it has felt absolutely horrible and then again I feel as though God is preparing me for something. I'm so excited to be self supported and to show others that I am capable of great responsibility. In November I hope to be traveling back up to Oregon to get my Level 1 certification and to see some old friends and ascend the climbing tower that they have at the Salem Ropes Course at the YWAM base.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

letters on the fly

I have just put most of my support letters into the mail box. I am not going to be calling anyone till next Wednesday.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

the begining

Welcome to my new blog. I have started this blog because I really don't like writing letters and I think it is a good idea to archive my life, so to speak, and keep my friends and family updated on my situation and location on planet Earth. I work for Youth with a Mission. I work for Richmond Ropes, which is part of YWAM-Virginia. I work on a challenge course. I get to climb trees and and rock climb a lot so I'm happy. I also get to work in young men's and women's lives most every day. It's exciting and very humbling. Right now I am trying to raise support for my mission, which is the ropes course and outdoor sports.