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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Trip - Day 13

[this is being written by Jackson's Dad]

Here is the latest from Michael. It was sent about an hour ago so it was sent on Tuesday, Sept. 18, in the afternoon.
tue 18th
at 38.36 N 145.59 W
We are in the High, and it is amazing that we have any wind at all, and we are having enough to go 4 - 5 kts, as fast as i can motor, so we are not having to motor, as planned, with following seas, and very flat, smooth, benign conditions.
Unfortunately, one of the weather reports shows us having no wind and then storms in front of us in 3-5 days, so one of the boats is going across south of here to try and avoid it, we hope to pass that area before it goes bad.  It just changes so fast.  The High is moving about 200 miles a day, all over the pl;ace, being pushed around by the Low storm systems coming in from NW Baring Sea area, and probably some affedt from two hurricans coming up from Mexico.
I feel like we have a real blessed covering over us, and some very special times  with the Lord.
He shows His majesty to us everyday.  It is so still and quiet, we can hear him so loudly.  No phone, no texting, no internet, no radio, no tv,no car, no people, there are not even planes overhead.
Last night the stars literally went from very horizon to horizon, right to the waters edge, from North to South and East to West, and all night long you can watch the sky rotate and the constellations change.

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