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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Trip - Day 6

[this is being written by Jackson's Dad]

About three hours ago I got an email from Michael, which I've pasted below. Based on his latest communicated coordinates they have traveled 662 miles from Hilo. The subject header is "tues morn." I think "H" stands for "high," as in high pressure system.
Seems we have a day or so before we have to make a change in routing.
We are waiting for this Low on top of us is supposed to sit there for 5 days, between me and the H  we need to get across.
Luckily everyone is watching the weather real closely, so we can make an intelligent decision.
the worst for us is not having much wind for this time, we have to save our fuel for going across the H.

30.24 N 153 W
we are the farthest E, another boat is farther N, so we are scouting out the weather, the farthest boat is too far for the radio now, and can't change channel for a better frequency, so we don't know how he is doing?
Here are some links that I am finding useful.

if you want to find the latitude and longitude of a place:

watch Jackson from outer space:

barometric pressure:

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