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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Trip - Day 4 (Sept. 8)

[this is being written by Jackson's Dad]

Time lapse photos from midnight East Coast time (Saturday, Sept. 8) to 7:30 am East Coast time show mostly clear skies. The marine forecast says "isolated thunderstorms" and seas eight feet or less. Winds continue from the east, at 20 knots or less, meaning they remain on a starboard tack.

All in all, pretty good weather for Jackson and Michael.

Based on a very rough estimate of where they might be, using the first day's progress of 114 miles from Hilo northward (355 degrees). I would guess they are generally at the latitude of Havana, Cuba, having progressed up from the latitude of somewhere around Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic. In other words, it might be rather warm in the cabin of the boat. I found a website that calculates distances based on coordinates and in their first day they covered about 114 miles, or about 5 knots per hour. That's a decent pace.

No emails so far today.

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