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I'm an adventure seeking man of God. I love extreme sports, rock climbing, swimming at the wrong time and anything you can enjoy with a good group of people.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Trip - Day 5

[this is being written by Jackson's Dad]

Here's the latest email from Michael:
28.33' N 153.20 W
Pretty nice night, avg 5.5 knots, a few squalls this morning, trying to get past the edges of them if we can.
AJ is adapting better to the vagaries of a long ocean passage.
supposed to have mild weather for today with some changes by tomorrow.
This is a great report. They've had five great days of sailing and covered 549 miles as of the time this email was sent.  To stick with a geographic reference I used in an earlier post to illustrate northward progress, our guys have now traveled northward so they are at a latitude of Tampa, Fla. Based on what I understand Michael to have communicated earlier about how far north they will go, they aim to get to a latitude somewhere between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D.C., two cities with which Jackson (how, praytell, did he ever get the name "AJ"?) is familiar.

Time-lapse satellite photos show the skies basically clear, and other weather sites also indicate a mild seastate. The latest longitude shows they have adjusted their course slightly to the east, because they set off from 155 W and now they are 2 degrees to the east. That may be part of what Michael describes above as "trying to get past the edges of" those squalls.

The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. -- Ps. 145:9

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